Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Not gonna reach my telephone( part 16)

In the last post Rihanna finds out she's pregnant and stays at Kanye's to celebrate. They are both over the moon. Beyonce spends some sisterly time with Solange but ends up drunk again when they turn up back at Rihannas. (She is staying at Rihannas cos she felt lonely)

Its a couple of days after Ri found out she was pregnant and was back home again with the Beyonce.
*Ding Dong*
Bey: Rihanna someones at the door, you getting it or shall i?
Rih I got it bee * opens the door to see a huge bunch of flowers*
Clerk: Hey Miss these are for you, please sign here.
Rih: Signs the card and reads the note:
To my beautiful girlfriend and my baby. Just letting you know how much i love you, :) Kanye x
Bey: Aww are they of Kay? There beautiful
Rih: Yeye
Bey:  haha i miss this, cant wait till Jay gets back
Rih: You should ring him if your missing him Bee
Bey: He's busy and stressed at the moment, dont think thats a good idea..
Rih: Bee!
Bey: Urrgh fine, i do miss my baby * She dials Jay's number and goes to her room*
Jay: * After 5 mins of talking * So whats new baby gurl?
Bey: Aaa well i got drunk again but blame Solangee!
Jay: Oh Bee, What am i going to do with you?
Bey: Hahah i love you Jay
Jay: Love you too Honey Bee, i Have to go now but i will ring you this evening
Bey: Ok Baby, Omg waitt
Jay: Whats the matter Bee?
Bey: Rihannas preganant! Can you believe that im super happy for her.
Jay: * Silence*
Bey: Jay?
Jay: Yeah... congracts. erm.. How far along is she
Bey: 4 weeks, why?
Jay: No reason, look Bee I Have to go, speak soon babe ok
Bey: Ok bye
Rihanna: * Walks into Bees room* Im going out to get some groceries for the house, do you need anything?
Bee: Honey Nut cheerios and pop tarts! I think we've ran out
Rih: Im on it, cyaa in a bit
Bee: bye riri
Bee's phone begins to ring and she answers it
Bey: Erm hello?
Kay: Hi beyonce, how are you
Bey: Fina & congracts your gonna be a daddy
Kay: I know when i went out earlier i saw all baby clothes. Im so excited
Bey: Aww bless ya, so what was it you wanted?
Kay: Well now were having a baby, i wanted to make it official, you know put a ring on it hah
Bey: Hha you got jokes brother, and aww when you thinking?
Kay: Tonight, or is that too soon?
Bey: Not at all, have you got a ring?
Kay: Yes , i was just waiting for the right time and i think im ready to commit to her
Bey: Then go for it, candlelight dinner and whop it outt
Kay: Lmao,ok bee. Ill tell you how it goes
Bey: Good luck bro
At the grocery Store Rihannas phone rings
Kanye: Hey baby
Riri: Hiyaa, you okay?
Kay: Yeah , how you feeling
Riri: Im fine, im only a month along
Kay: Well ok then, i was wondering if you would come to mine at 7? I have a surprise for you.
Riri: Sounds great
Kay: Ok ill send the driver, bye babe
Riri: Bye * She hangs up but just as she does her phone rings again, thinking its Kay she answers it*
Rih: What now baby?
Jay: Urrm who are you calling baby?
Rih: Omg sorry Jay haah, how are you? Had Bee told you the good news
Jay: Is it mine?
Rih: Errm what?
Jay: Is THE BABY MINE????/
Rih: Stop yelling at me Jay and no its Kanyes
Jay: Have you done a test, i need to know. Im not losing Bee again.You Stupid slut
Rih: Excuse me, what has got into you Jay
Jay: Cos i denied you ran off to Kay, we both know you dont like him anyway
Jay: Hha sure, keep telling youself that. Remeber you slept with me only 4 weeks ago
Rih: Well did;'nt you wear a condom?
Jay: Erm no, i was drunk remeber? Have you heard of birth control?
Rih: Yuno what fuck you Jay, fuck you!
Jay: I'd rather you didnt , but i want a test to see if its mine
Rih: Whatever Jay, get lost. * She hangs up*
Its 5'o' clock and Beyonce has gone out so Rihanna gets ready and the driver picks her
Rih: Thank you for the lift Kerby.
Kerby: Anytime Miss Fenty
Riri: * Walks to the door and knocks on, shes still very upset about the earlierr incident.
Kanye: * Opens it instantaniously* Well hello gorgous and gorgous number 2
Riri: Seriously Kanye
Kay: * He leanes over and gives her a kiss before escorting Riri to the lit dinner
Riri: * Sitting down* This looks nice
Kay: Only for you, wine?
Riri: Sure
-He pours the wine and they chat and eat. Rihanna feels very awkward and guilty whenever Kay mentions the baby. She fears it might not be his but she really wants it to be. When there finished they make there way to the couch and Rihanna sits down. Instantly Kanye get down on one knee and opens the small box..
Kay: Robin Rihanna Fenty. You are the most amazing woman i have ever met. I am overjoyed that we are having a baby and i want to take the honour of asking you to be my wife?
Riri: * Silent and shocked* Ermm.. i..
Kay: Whatcha say ?
Riri: NO! I have to go.. * Shes gets up and runs out of the door before ordering the driver to take her home*


  1. Wow that's so crazy..I mean Jay didn't have to really talk to her like that..but Rih and Kanye are sort of rushing things...I hope I mean really hope the baby is for Kanye..the last thing Bey needs is to hear more bull is going on...great update..I can't wait to see what happens next..

  2. oh LAWD. it bet not be Jay's. Him and Bey were just gettin good again

  3. oh dear, I had a feeling that this was gonna come up lol. i hope it's kanye's because i can't handle for bey and jay to be fighting AGAIN. wow....crazy stuff....please update soon

  4. check out my new blog
